Friday, 20 February 2009

NHS sacked the nurse after offering to pray

A Christian nurse got sacked from NHS after she asked her patient would you like me to pray for you? The news made headline throughout all sorts of UK press.

Is it made too big?

I got shocked after seeing the news, first of all, it's allegedly that the baptist nurse just asked the patient if the patient would like her to offer pray. Seems the patient got over nurved and afterwards reported the case to the health trust.

Indeed if the nurse just asked and not forced the patient to accept, I don't see any wrongdoing. Anyone has the right to ask things and of course you can accpet or not.

Scientific mind

After talking with some journalists about the incident, they say most of the Brit don't like talking religion and belief in public, it's a private issue and just keep your own.

It's obviously they don't want people to think that they're superstitious, being scientific is always a good honour.

Though I felt the thing was exploded too much, perhaps as a patient herself, she just can't stop worring and who dares to risk precious thing such as life?

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