Wednesday 23 January 2008

Gazans Rushed into Egypt

BBC News, Wednesday, 23/01/08

Thousands of Gazans rushed into Egypt from Rafah border in Gaza Strip, they were buying sugar, bread, fuel, and meeting their families who haven't seen each other for more than 10 years.

Israeli government condemned Egyptions' assistance to open the Rafah border, they argued the rocket Gaza millitants group's rocket attack, and also blame Egypt as the main weapon source for Gaza millitants group.

International organizations, such UN and EU argued the Israeli government should take very much concern of its humanitarian attack on Palestinian, which was so called Collective Pulishment

Palestinians said they were suffering from such a long term blockage, and they are genuinely need humanitarian aid, and daily goods supply, the blockage also shut down the Nusseirat power plant, which heavily depends on Israel's fuel delivery.

However, Israel denied the cut of electricity power.

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