Sunday 30 March 2008

Making Flash Video, Problematic!!

One procedure is wrong, the whole process is ruined, probablly now I understand why people spend couple and couple of hours in front of computer! my past years are rarely having such kind of experience!

Don't be afraid to change your direction in life (Fortune Cookies). the saying is fit my brief here.

Asking help from friends

I called Chris and Laura during my uploading. God, where's the problem, tried so many times, what the hell, why the video isn't come out?

Anyway, I have to solve the problem, Chris and Laura should be very familiar with the process, really need help from friends.

Both of them are podcaster in our websites, londonAlternative and LondonOutLoud Alternatively.

Problem Solving Process

Oh, I see!! here is the reason why I can't upload my video. Before inserting flash video into dreamweaver, I need to produce two files from flash, one is fla, the other is flv.

The one to upload is flv. So during producing flash video process, I need to go to Stream From Flash Video Streaming Service. then after couple of "Next", the consequence will be coming out 2 files, one is fla, the other is flv.

Again meeting trouble

I just feel the problem will be solved finally, can't imagine that after inserting flash video into dreamweaver, the video still didn't come out.

Only couple of days later, I realised the process is absolutely right after Laura's instruction, just because my pc is blocked all of the strange elements, so I just need to close the block.

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