Thursday 10 December 2009

“Get your hands dirty” on wildlife protection

Wildlife Trust encourages local residents to “get your hands dirty” and says to be involved in a wildlife protection project will be a rewarding experience.

The organisation, with 25 years experience in working with protecting all types of vulnerable wildlife – plants as well as birds and animals, aims to help secure the future of many important habitats and species.

Mrs Isobel Travers, a nature reserve volunteer, of 16 Park Road, Valeham, said: “I didn't have any experience when I volunteered, but I was given all the training that was needed. It's been a really wonderful experience and I now understand what nature reserve management is all about – and it means being willing to get your hands dirty!

“The People at the Wildlife Trust are really dedicated to what they do and they deserve the support of the Whole community.”

As some of us recognise that cemeteries are an important part of this picture, next month, the Trust will launch a Living Churchyards Project through which the organisation will undertake biological surveys, and provide advice to people who manage churchyards, and burial spaces throughout the area.

David Endwright, Valeham Council's Cemeteries and Crematoria manager, said: “Our cemeteries contain much of the district's history but it is also good to have them recognised as an environmental and wildlife resource. One of our staff has been designated a liaison officer to the Wildlife Trust, with whom we are only too happy to co-operate. "

In order to carry out these work, the Trust is now recruiting volunteers and it would like to hear from anyone who might be interested and who has the appropriate skills, especially botanical knowledge.

At the same time, the organisation also have volunteers vacancies in other areas of activity, from the Running Wild project, fund raising, office work to publicity.

For more information please go to their website at or call them on Valeham 876998.

(318 words)

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