Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Meeting BBC Mentor Joanne Moore

It's so exciting that I had the first meeting with my "BBC Step Up Training Scheme" mentor,Joanne Moore,who is an practising artist and web site designer living in London.

Joanne Moore

A born and breed Londoner, whose mother coming from London and father coming from Barbado, a place let me think of many pirates, since the Hollywood film Pirates of the Garibbean.

She lives in east London,a famous place which's full of cultural events,I found she's so enthusiastic, easy-going and helpful .

She introduced me the concept of Interactive TV, since she's the specialist in Interactive TV Design, and currently she's working with user test team.

Interactive TV

After researching online, I find out that interactive TV is the main feature of digital TV, which will be in use within the whole UK till '12.

It allows us to do more things rather than only watching TV, for instance, you can easily see extra news stories and sports coverage, check sports results and weather forecasts.

Even play games, go shopping, place bets and use email.

How to go interactive and Why?

Every time when people press the red button on the TV remote control pannel, the feature will display, then continously press up or down to choose the programme you want to watch.

So it's no longer for you to wait for the programme to be broadcasted, you simply choose the programme you want to watch whenever you want.

For instance, if you want to watch football news, just choose sports, then choose football afterwards, the particular news that matches your interest will appear.

Interesting, isn't it?

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