Saturday, 19 April 2008

10p Income Tax Crisis

Labour MPs are urging Gordon Brown to rethink the tax policy reform. since it will harm the lowest income receivers,who get paid below £18,500 a year.

What the new tax policy all about?

The new change means that people who would paid income tax at the lowest 10%, how have to pay up to 20%.

And these people are normally got paid under £18,500 a year, they will lose up to £232 a year.

A government official said that Labour party can't make poor people more poor.

Gordon Brown's react

Gordon's visit to US is shadowed by the tax crisis, as one of the critic comment that when the cat is away, mice will play.

Many labours MPs are condemn' Brown's tax changes and urged him to rethink the policy.

During Brown's visit to US, he took time out to telephone ministerial aide Ms Angela Smith,and persuade her to quit over the issue.

Ironically, Brown decide to basic the basic rate from 22p to 20p, critics're commenting it's just for the news headlines!

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