Sunday, 9 January 2011

New project launch to protect wildlife

The Valegam council is supporting a local Wildlife Trust's call for encouraging residents to protect the area's environment and species.

The Living Churchyards Project, which will be launched by the Valeham & District Wildlife Trust next month, is to include biological surveys and advice on how to manage churchyard and burial spaces.

David Endwright, Valeham Council's Cemeteries and Crematoria manager, said: “Our cemeteries contain much of the district's history but it is also good to have them recognised as an environmental and wildlife resource.

“One of our staff has been designated a liaison to the Wildlife Trust, with who we are only to happy to co-operate.”

Despite the support from the Council, the organisation has also received encouragment from the Church of England's diocesan office, according to the Trust's volunteering development officer Imogen Yorke.

Diocesan secretary Roger Cressy at Church House said: “Even in heavily built-up areas, churchyards can remain a haven peace for all maner of wildlife.

“A member of one of our congregations who happens to be a Wildlife Trust volunteer recently found a rare orchid growing in their churchyard. It's wonderful when discoveries of that sort are made.”

Ms Yorke said cemeteries provide a largely undisturbed home for many birds and creatures.

Much of the work, such as fundraising and nature reserve, will be carried out by volunteers. The organisation is also looking for people who have the appropriate skills, such as botanical skills.

The Running Wild Project, launched by the same Trust last year, also offers vacancies to help running the project, which aims to help young people to learn more about wildlife and the environment.

Mrs Isobel Travers, a nature reserve volunteer, of 16 Park Road, Valeham, said: “I didnt't have any experience when I volunteered, but I was given all the training that was needed.”

It's been a really wonderful experience and I now understand nature reserve management means being willing to get your hands dirty!”

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