Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Issues related with central goverment - Monarchy (part three)

(c) List five local contacts you would approach for quotes to give this a local angle and give reasons for your choices.

Local resident: to find out what his/her opinion about the constitutional monarchy in this country in general.

Leader of the local council: to find out what view he/she holds, in favour of the monarchy or oppose the monarchy.

Another senior councillor: if the 1st councillor was in favour of the monarchy I will try to find one who held an opposing view, not necessarily against the monarchy as such, but sceptical about its role in a democracy and its cost. And vice versa.

Local taxpayers' group: to find out if they think the monarchy is good value for money.

Professor/senior lecturer from a local university or college: to ask about the technicalities of the monarchy and whether a republic would be any cheaper.

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