Thursday, 20 May 2010

Cannabis story (the first version)

BRENT residens are surprised the former pub nearby is now being used to grow cannabis.

The Kingsbury Tavern in Church Lane was uncovered by police that the premises had been repainted with fresh creosote to help mask the smell of growing cannabis inside.

Xxx (the first resident), said: “quotes”.

Xxx (the second resident), said: “quotes”.

Police found 61 cannabis plants from the former pub and a strong smell of cannabis was emulating from the letter box only.

The premises, closed down at least two years ago, was searched by Fryent and Queensbury Safter Neighbourhoods (SN) Team on Friday 23 April.

Sergeant Gary Pidgeon from Fryent Safer Neighbourhoods Team said:

“The operation was in response to concerns raised by the local community.

“I urge that anyone who has experienced criminal activities in their area, drug related or otherwise should contact their local Safer Neighbourhoods Team or if they wish to remain anonymous phone crimestoppers on 0800 555111.”

The pub was re-painted by a 55-year-old man, who was arrested and had been bailed pending forensic examination.

(177 words roughly)

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