Thursday, 1 April 2010

Met first ever magazine targets the young

The Beat, Met's first ever magazine for young people, are being sent to kids across London to give them advice on how to keep safe.

The Beat will cover problems such as gangs, drugs and weapons, and gives young people crime prevention advice, as well as showing them how to get more involved in keeping their communities safe.

Detective Supt Alaric Bonthron, from the Met's Communities Together Strategic Engagement team,said: “We hope The Beat will be a fun, but useful guide for 11 year olds as they near the end of the time at primary school, and hope The Beat gives them some practical advices and tips on how to keep safe.

“The beat is just one way to let them know the police are here if they need help.”

Sir Paul, who had recognised the importance in speaking and listening to young people and then acting on their concerns so they feel safe, wrote in the publication: “...we need to spend more time talking to you and finding out what you want from your local police.

Although it has been a while since I was in my teens I think the same good advice applies – if someone is making you feel unsafe, tell someone responsible.”

The magazine has its very own agony uncle: Michel, a member of the Met's Volunteer Police Cadets, who will be able to help out with reader's crime and safety concerns.

Over 100,000 copies are being sent to state schools in the capital.

(248 words)

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