Friday, 22 January 2010

West newtown community assocation (related questions)

Paper One West Newtown Community Association

Question 2:

Varndell’s, an independent drink distribution company, has been named Wholesaler of the Year in its centenary year by Karisbrew UK.

The company, a family-run business, is the major distributor for Karisbrew throughout the region.

The award will recognise the company’s outstanding performance and is a tribute to its employees who have put all their hard work over the past 12 months.

Chairman Sir Rodney Varndell will receive the award at Karlsbrew’s national sales conference at Birmingham next month.

(78 words)

Question 3:

On Monday around 2:30pm a woman shopper in Kirkham’s Supermarket on Ashforth Road, Newtown, had her handbag stolen from her trolley when she selecting items from a shelf.

The bag was in yellow leather with red stripes.

Anyone who witnessed the theft, please contact us on Newtown 331322.

(48 words)

Question 4:

(I): Executive member of the local airport:

1. Why does the company propose to build a second runway?

2. According to the information I have it says this would allow a 35 per cent increase in landings and take-offs, what do you mean by 35 per cent increase? Could you explain me in details?

3. How much does it cost? Where does this money come from?

4. Who is responsible for the construction? How is the partnership formed with your company?

5. How does your company deal with related environmental issues such as increased noisy?

6. Is there any need to build up this second runway to increase the landings and take-offs?

(II): local residents who live near the airport:

1. Your local airport is going to build up a second runway, what do you think of the proposal?

2. Do you think it will help the people if there is a second runway been built up? Why?

3. Have the airport ever brought any inconvenience to your life so far? If so, in which way? If not, tell me in details how the company tried to reduce pollution or noisy for example.

4. Do you think the government should give permission to the company to build up new construction?

5. Is there any need to build up this second runway to increase the landings and take-offs?

(III). Local councillor who holds portfolio in planning:

1. Will the government pass the second runway proposal from the privately-owned local airport? Why?

2. How does the new construction help people?

3. Where does the funding come from?

4. How does the government regulates private-owned company in terms of reducing pollution and noisy.

5. Is there any need to build up this second runway to increase the landings and take-offs?

1). Online editorial: Uploading photos and audio clips obtained from my interview.

For example, images could be the airport, also could be a close up of the area that is going to build up the second runway.

In addition, a radio interview with the executive members from the company and the councillor.

Lastly, a Vox Pop contains local residents’ opinions regarding building up a second runway.

2). Video: Filming the airport as well as the area that is going to build up the second runway.

Filming the local residents, local councillor as well as the executive member of the company. These can be uploaded online as video clips.

3). Other digital offering interaction: Allowing readers to comment on this piece of news; in addition, using Facebook, Twitters or other social net-working website to generate public’s opinions.

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