Thursday, 31 December 2009

Tennis courts to be replaced with horrifying car park

A tennis champion urged “the courts should be maintained” after the local council revealed its plan to turn the tennis courts into a car park.

Upbrooke Tenis Club, with its five municipal tennis courts on Northgate Way, is facing to be replaced with a car park for 200 vehicles, including coaches.

Jeanette Brooke, Women's county tennis champion said: “I learned to play on these courts and with the general reduction in sporting facilities of all types in the area, it is vital the courts should be maintained and their use promoted effectively.

"Tennis is a great way to fitness for people of all ages.”

The club, unusually having its tennis facilities so close to the business and shopping centre, is due to celebrate its centenary this year but is now horrified by the council's plan.

They campaigned at the shopping centre to gather supporters' signatures, and so far have already obtained nearly 900 responses.

Supporters who added their names for supporting Upbrooke's petition are those from all sporting interests, or who are worried about the nature of the development and the loss of sports facilities.

Sir Rodney Anstruther sold the courts to the council last century aiming for “pursuit of pleasure and recreation.”

Andrew Anderson, 26, of 16 Ebony Avenue, Upbrooke said: “I'm really a football fan but I was happy to sign the petition.”

Councillor Roland Laurence, chairman of Upbrooke Council's planning committee said: “We are a responsible planning authority and we have to consider all the option.

“With the growth of Upbrooke as a regional shopping centre, there is increasing pressure on parking space.

“Use of the courts has declined considerably in recent years and we know that Upbrooke Tennis Club now has fewer members than at any time except the Second World War.”

(322 words)

(Completion time: 46 min)

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