Saturday, 7 November 2009

Supermarket expansion as a "monstrosity"

NCTJ News Writing Exam
By Yixiang Zeng
Question 1

A councillor has condemned a plan for supermarket expansion as a “monstrosity”.

Two weeks ago, Andersons Supermarkets applied for planning permission to move the petrol station from its present position about 55 metres from Bridge Road to the junction of the site’s access road and Bridge Road itself.

Councillor Norman Patricks said: “This plan would be an aesthetic disaster. To stick the filling station and a monstrosity of a car wash opposite Bridge Road Methodist Church is ridiculous.”

Andersons claims the new plans are designed to reconfigure the car park for the benefit of customers.

However, they have now added a huge automated car wash - the vast barn-like building, which would be wide enough to take two cars going through each of two washers at the same time.

Bill Raybould, of 12 Bridge Road, West Newtown, said: “I look out of my front window and can see the supermarket. I am very suspicious that Andersons are trying to pave the way for further expansion. If they get permission for this, I feel sure it won’t be long before the old application for a superstore resurfaces.”

Andersons wants to move the filling station to a corner, where the trees and bushes have now grown to an extent, which originally intended to mask the site from the view of residents and passing vehicles.

Now the greenery would be removed to the detriment of the visual amenity, which combines with the car wash, would finally ruin the appearance of the area, according to West Newtown Community Association.

A spokesman for Andersons said: “We dispute suggestions that this proposal would create traffic hazards. Indeed, we believe it would make the complex safer and easier for customers to use. It would help reduce the congestion created on the site by motorists who at present have to drive into it even when they want only petrol.”

(311 words)

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