Thursday, 11 June 2009

MP expenses scandal

The most outrageous and appalling embarrassment among the "gentlemen's club" in UK politics was the recent MP expenses scandal, which was leaked by Daily Telegraph.

What is all about

The MPs in UK parliament are allowed to claim expenses on their second homes - the places they stayed when they attend Parliament in London rather than their constituency home.

However, in the last few months, the Daily Telegraph unveiled a list of goods that the MPs claimed, which are far more unusual than the normal things we could imagine.

People are furious towards MPs' outrageous behavious as all the taxpayers' money are just wasted, they claim that they want their money back, they want those ridiculous MPs to step down, and they want to chose someone who is really caring about taxpayer's money.

At least, there is freedon of speech

MP expenses scandal are wildspreaded in every single corner of the UK, people talked and discussed it wildly. I think at least, to some extend, people are able to speak out and not afraid of talking things, which are trully crucial and important for a society.

I'm not sure how the things would be settled in undemacratic countries, which I do believe this kind of corruption exist.

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