A modern drama series is broadcasting on BBC One currently called Mistresses, which describes four British women's romance conflicts, how they deal with their family life and sex relationships.
Morality doubt
After seeing some of the episodes, I got very confused how on earth these protagonist treat their sex relationships so playful!
When a couple tie a knot, from that point of time, they were tied to be faithful and loyal to each other, and no one has the right to blame as marriage is your own choice. If you want to play the game, you must comply the rule.
I think this is universally accepted morality as well.
I was very much doubt western value on this point, after talking with a former BBC journalist about how I feel, she was laughing at me (in a friendly way), and suggested me just taking it as a drama that is unreal. However, I believe drama, all sorts of art coming from real life.
You never imagine that romance drama will be directed and acted in this way in China. I don't know exactly how about other Asian countries.
But like South Korea, a traditionally man-dominant society, I believe they will be concerned when commissioning such type of series.
From Mistresses to the 13-year-old dad
Another reason makes me confused and worrying is the recent blow of the 13-year-old lad becoming dad, which makes Britain feeling like a fool indeed.
Press and different sorts of media all discuss it and many people condemn it, saying it's the most outrageous, appalling thing in the world they have ever seen.
But don't these Brit ever wonder how these drama will affect people, especially these young teens? They're in a period of growing up and lack of mature judgement.
And if they see these drama (intentionally or whatever), they will just imitate what they see from the screen!
Democratic society
From another point of view, people may say that we are in a democratic society, people are allowed to see different things and express different views.
It's good to show us different approaches of life, then we're going to make up our own mind!
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