Friday, 20 February 2009

What is art?!?

Looked at these vague and blurring pictures, what you get out of it at the end, I was wondering. I prefer something that makes sense, and something that makes me understand the meaning behind the object, and not simple meaning, but profound ones.

What does it mean?

A lady showed us her tarot cards today in the class, the three pictures are laden with very blurrin colour, and the objects created in the cards have very peculiar shapes, not human beings, not animals, I really don't know what she wants to express.

Not only her work like this, I have once joined illustration class, another lady used wather-colour (I think) to create eight pictures illustrates one human mood to the other (for example: laugh to cry).

I can't remember what the changing mood exactly, but what she has done is just like brushing colour on the paper, some of the colours are mixed ones, so it reflects a bit differently.

Hell!! What she's trying to say?

Alright, ladies and gentleman. This is art, this is creative stuff, and the more vague, the more abstract, the more dodging and nobody understands, then probably the more arty!!

By now, I do miss my journalism, journalism is so much precise, profound, so much makes sense, and you can just feel the power and strength.

Politics and religion are too dangerous

A lady said to me look, your works related with politics and religion things, they're too dangerous.

Indeed I'm so much wish that I'm an excellent debater, then I could express myself more promptly and properly.

It's ture, my works are about politics, are about these hot issues, and it's my interest.

These things are real and they're just sticking around you that happening in our brutal world.

Also I do believe art comes from life, the more experiences you have, the more you have great ideas.

What's the point you just paint your colour there, stick your collage there, but without profound ideas that strike people's attention?

Artists, of course should be good at painting, drawing, and colour composition. But you should also understand history and have great life experiences, which do make your work profound.

Art, the same as Music

Now I find that music and art do have similarities. Here I'm particularly talking about classical music.

Being a brilliant classical musician not only requires techniques, which probably the most foundation of performing a music piece.

I once heard Maria Blanco, an amazing pianist from Malta, said to me after listening a recital from an old Russian pianist.

"he is not only playing the notes, he's basically playing his life."

Great music comes from life. All sorts of art come from life!

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