Sunday, 25 January 2009

Step Up to UK Journalism

An article for Uni. Mag

by Yixiang Zeng

I am always looking forward to get my foot into UK journalism industry even before starting to pursue my study at the University of Westminster.

While adopting that mad, crazy Asian work ethic - painstakingly absorbing journalism skills and learning from all the talents surrounded me, I always spared part of my mind looking for great chances and making valuable contacts.

Making application

Eventually the opportunity turned out, although I was told the “BBC Step Up Trainee Scheme 2008” only one day before the closing date.

It was absolutely an amazing and exciting moment to fill the application form. What were all in my mind was just to convince the BBC judges that I am the best candidate for the scheme, and lift their spirits with all the enthusiasm and curiosity wondering who this stunning applicant is!

The following run was frightening enough to drive me down to the hell, more complicated Online questions (I was applying for Online trainee) need to be answered, and more pressured group discussion, interview await for me.

I was weary after all finished, but my mind just cannot stop thinking of it. All the procedures were endlessly appearing in my mind and I missed the right tube twice on my way home, damn it!

But when I finally got confirmed that I was accepted by the scheme out of thirty from hundreds of applications, I was totally over the moon!

The Trainee Scheme

The training sessions were fantastic and quite intense, we were given opportunities to gain insight of how BBC function; to be matched with a personal mentor from the BBC employees, with whom to date I am still keep in touch.

We were also trained from different aspects of how to make a professional news story, such as journalism related law issues, story pitch, conducting interview, Content Management System training.

The best part of the scheme I could say is the practical part including the production fortnight. I was researching original news stories, pitching story ideas to the project manager, getting reportage, writing stories, making audio slides show, and eventually published them on the BBC London website.

It was an unforgettable experience and definitely worthy of taking part in. While continuously learning and enjoying the process, I was suddenly realising what a networking tool “Step Up” has also acted.

Looked at these bright and dazzling “Step Up” wits, what greater things are we going to make? Let me take an oath and graft to make the absolute best of what I can achieve.

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