Monday, 3 November 2008

Brutal cyber rumors kills South Korean celebrity

South Korean super-star Choi Jin-sil committed suicide at her Seoul home. the 40-year-old was considered as the "Nation's Actress".

Her death was linked with recent Internet rumor spreaded within the whole nation, which brutally broken Ms. Choi's reputation - the public published posts online that she had relentlessly pressed her fellow actor to repay a $2 million debt.

South Korean uncensored cyberspace

After Ms. Choi's death, the police, the media and the members of parliaments all pointed fingers at the Internet.

Cyberspace in South Korea possesses incredible freedom, public can post items without censorship, such a environment assists cyber bullying.

The South Korean government have indeed encountered public cyber protest earlier this year.

The vicious antigovernment posting and online rumors on the dangers of lifting the ban on American beef fueled the political upheaval, which forced the entire cabinet to resign.

Government implements new law on defamation

The South Korean President Lee Myung-bak insists to implement new law to regulate cyberspace and Internet, which on a collision over the opposition party accusing government "rule cyberspace with martial law".

The opposition says that the Internet volience has already dealt under exsisting laws against slander and public insults.

However the government says the new law will be better safeguard the victims and publich online abuse.

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