Saturday, 15 March 2008

BBC Step Up Training Scheme Interview & Group Discussion Assessment

BBC once again hold "the Step Up Training Scheme 2008" annually. Step Up is a mentoring project which gives people opportunites to access and experience within broadcasting Industry, especially gain better understanding and insights of BBC operation.

This year, BBC London collaborates with BBC Training and Development to provide a fantastic opportunity to people across this vibrant and exciting capital.

Group discussion with other shortlist members

This exercise aims to assess the candidates' teamwork attitude, brainstorming, to what extend the candidate could contribute ideas to the team in only 15 min's time, the capability of planing, handing specific task, verbal communication within the group etc.

What the task is all about

We have been asked to plan a Charity event which will be held on a saturday, 12th May 2008, the budget is only 500 sterling.

We need to plan what kind of event will be held? Who is the event host? Where is the venue? What kind of activies will be going on? How to Promote? What's the purpose to hold the event?

We only have 15 min in total to complete individual ideas.


The first speaker is Michael, he's talking about art event, then a polish girl also contribute her idea, afterwards a lady named Val.

I enjoy listening an African girl Vivianne's idea, she wants to hold an charity event for African refugees.

To attract the local community's attention towards these homeless people, raise local British's awareness of African refugees. The activities will be bands concert, traditional dancing etc.

Another boy Sam, seems quite familiar with Broadcast industry, who's also a ungraduate student.

His idea is organising an event which aimed to reduce world poverty, the activies almost similar as other candidates, all related with arts exhibitions, concerts, photo exhibitions etc.

Facts once again proves that the world's too small, Sam's also the boy who attented the film "Adulthood" extra last semester, I was there as well!!

My idea is to promote environmentalism, and raise the public concern regarding global warming, pollution reduction etc.

I'm thinking to invite young musicians based in the music college/academy in london, since they also need opportunity to perform in from of ppl, so good for budget reduction.

Interview with Two BBC Stuffs

Both of them're quite nice people, very gentle and enthusiastic, especially the lady nemed Rosetta even quite passionate, if I could say in this way.

I've been told that the selection board's quite curious about the person who's behind the application form.

So I was asked to generally talk about my backgroud. Oh, so many things to talk, where should I start?!?

China native, studied @ Uni. Malta,falling in love with music,dreamt becoming a concert pianist,keen on using english to express herself, exploring multiculturalism in India, Belguim, AIESEC Rock during her bachelor, passionate on EU integration...

Recently even discovering another cool eye-opener, which called "multimedia, Video Journalism, Online Journalism, Dreamwaver, flash etc".

So much inspired by her tutor -- David Dunkley Dyimah , a black londoner.

Now she's dreaming to build her career as a multimedia journalist.

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