Saturday, 14 June 2008

Irish Voters Reject Lisbon Treaty

12th of June, Irish voters rejected Lisbon Treaty which's the successor of constitutional treaty proposed in 2002. The lisbon treaty is designed to ratified by the 27 member states by the end of year, however, it seems EU encountered a new "Treaty Crisis".

Why Ireland hold the referendum?

According to Ireland law, any amendment to an EU treaty requires an amendment to the Irish constitution and, all the constitutional amendments require approval by referendum.

Other EU membet states, so far there're 18 have ratified the Treaty, argued that Lisbon Treaty is like other amending treaties, which only requires parliamentary approval.

Why Irish voters were against the treaty?

The essence of loosing sovereignty. The no camp have argued that the new treaty will surrender the unanimity of voting, and adopt the qualified majority voting.

The amendments will weaken the Ireland's voice in Europe.

Will Irish vote again?

As commentator says that there is a precedent of holding re-run referendum in Ireland, in the case of 2001 Treaty of Nice, which ratified the year after.

However, if the elite from Brussels forces Irland to vote again, it could be portrayed as EU bullying of a small member state, especially when France and Netherland voters rejected constitutional treaty in 2005, and never asked to vote again.

Thursday, 5 June 2008

The Apprentice -- the Final Five

The Apprentice -- the Final Five is featuring the final 5 candidates, how they have gone through all the difficulties of the tasks, and finally stand out as the most competitive candidates. lee, Lucinda, Claire, Alex, Helene.

My thoughts

I have watched at least three times for this piece of the Apprentice, I'm saying that how I'm interested in business, just because this time's the Apprentice does answered my question.

Why do these particular 5 people get thourgh?
What are their their strengthes and weaknesses?
What the main qualities these 5 candidates possess?
What the main qualities the big corporates, like Sir Alan Sugar, are looking for?

Obviously, these 5 candidates possess different significant qualities that drove them through the whole process.

Lee Mcqueen

A man in his 30's, mature, responsible, understand how to push the whole team towards the top.

He is swearing sometimes, he seems poshed but indeed he is rough, however, as Sir Ala's aide comment that "apprentice are raw and rough, as long as got other animal qualities, ambition, determination, he is the diamond of the rough".

I remembered the most descriptive narration about Lee is every task he's able to get himself involved.

Lusinda Ledgerwood

I like her, she is being determined, being organised, being very much lady-manner, though she is not, and she is extremely tough.

Lusinda is very different from others, as Sir Alan's aide commented, as every group always has a person who is different from others.

She fell, but she never fle, and she has her very much inner strength.

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Online Feature Article Proposal

Online Feature Article Proposal
Yixiang Zeng
BBC Step Up Online Mentee

Working Title: Young Londoners Hit the European Culture
Story Idea: Close-up of individual teenager’s personal experience of European cultural exploration.

Story Background:

British Council launched the Youth in Action Programme, aimed to provide unique opportunity to young Londoners to explore Europe in the cultural perspective.

Plenty of teenagers are taking part in this programme.

I’d like to ask individual participates following questions:

Why do you participate in this activity?
What do you learn/benefit from it?
What’s the difference do you find between the British culture and the European culture.
Do you find any difficulties during the participation, like you might encounter some difficulties to accept their cultural habits, or you feel culture shock?
How would you consider this experience help you in terms of personal development?
Do you want to call yourself a European or Londoner? What do you think of it?

Audience: Young people aged 12-25. Parents

Resources and Contributors:

Individual Participates
Young London Teen
British Council:

Interview video clip